Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Alrighty, here we go... 10 More things about my life... THE ANIMAL EDITION-
10. I have a bird named "Rocki"- he's a mini-parrot, also know as a lovebird
09. My family dog's name is "Guinness"
08. My last bird Turkey, was let out of my apartment window by a friend(accidentally) and got ran over by a bus on one of the busiest streets in my city... the corner liquor store clerk, collected his body for me and he is now buried in my parent's back yard.
07. My first pet(besides the family dog "Spotty") was a hamster my brother bought for me as a Christmas present... his name was "Peanut- Butter".
06. When my 1st grade teacher could no longer keep the class pet mice in the classroom, she gave them to me. "Whiskers" fell off my family's ping-pong table... yet again I was devastated!
05. "Guinness' Christmas stocking says "Dog-Man" because he is way to smart and great to be considered "ALL- Dog"
04. My college hamster "Heini" short for Heineken, was crawling down the hall in one of those hamster balls one Friday night, when a drunk floor mate mistook him for a soccer ball and kicked him down the hall- he was paralyzed for 4 days total, but then made a full recovery!!!
05. When ridding the kitchen counter of an ant infestation, my brother sprayed Raid all over the counter, not moving my fish far enough from the spraying- all three died.
04. In college ceramic's class, I made a life size replica of my rabbit "Soco", short for "Southern Comfort", everyone laughs at it because I am not an artist... but ever Easter, I put it on display.
03. Junior, was my childhood companion and the family dog that I personally picked out at age five.
02. When I was three, I pulled on Spotty's(another great family dog) tail, dislocating it- from that day forward it was never centered on his toosh... but instead to the side of it.
01. I have had over 25 pets and am commonly compared to "Elmira"


ThatBeeGirl said...

I knew most of these (not about Spotty's tail, tho) -- keep 'em coming, Elmira! ;)

Anonymous said...

Where did Soco mysteriously dissapear to?

An avid, and extremely good looking, reader of your blog...you single?