Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wats the Difrence?

So, tudai is a nu dai. A dai wear I am taking the oportunitie to tri nu thingz- Wood it b so bad if peeple rote like this... u still get the ponte of wat is being sade.
Well, I hav cum tu the cunkluszon that I'm glad there's a standarized method to one of the oldest methods of communication.
Butt, not that butt! Tudai is a nu dai and phor tudai, this iz the ownlie thout I will shair... luky phor u!!!


T said...

that gave me a headache. ow.

ThatBeeGirl said...

SoMe TeENs oN BlOggEr WrITe LiKE tHat.
It's so friggin irritating.